This is my blog. Hello.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Cornwall Film Festival

I received an email yesterday telling me that my film is being screened at the Cornwall Film Festival, and being entered into the "The Edge" competition for experimental films. I'm very excited about this.

Sunday 8 August 2010

My next film/my philosophy

So, I'm in the middle of making my next film - it's got a similar style to the previous one, this time working with smoke, and the way smoke is caught by different lighting, as opposed to inks in water.

I've done a lot of the filming, shot most of what I need for it. I only need a couple more shots, but at the moment I'm stuck in the editing phase with nothing to edit with. Normally I'd use the Avid suites but have been wanting to move onto something like Final Cut... which Miles tried to install on his mac but it wasn't good enough. Though apparently I might be getting a mac for my next birthday.... heres hoping!

So yeah, really want to get moving with that, its been a work in progress too long, and I haven't been able to look at the footage for ages so it's got a bit lost in the back of my mind.

I have too many ideas to be getting on with. At least 7 written in my phone and more written in a book, and they'll probably keep coming. Most of them, or nearly all of them, follow the same style of the two I've been working on - I love to focus on a tiny aspect of nature, or natural movement that I think is worth taking notice of, and create a montage of the amazing images that they create, completely out of my control. I want to allow people, or encourage people to sit back and just see whats already there. It's all about recording natural beauty, as apposed to creating it, concentrating on a tiny aspect of the world and allowing it to flourish. I guess that's sort of my philosophy in filmmaking - so far. I can't wait to get going with my other ideas - but if I start each idea as they come to me, I'd have a hundred unfinished films. Patience is the hardest part.

My First Post/'Resurfacing'

I thought I'd better get cracking with this blog as it's laid empty for quite some time.

The idea of this blog is to record and share any progress with my filmmaking.
My first film can be found here:
the film is called 'Resurfacing' and takes the form of a meditation/trance film, meant to be watched with a clear, thoughtless mind. The film's structure is important, as the mood builds from a blank screen up to a very messy, very complex and colourful texture, reinforced by the building sounds, and then falling back into a similar shot from the beginning, giving the film its cyclical form.

The sounds for this experimentation were recorded with the aid of Miles Bowe, whose blog can be found here:
The sounds were recorded using a hydrophone to acheive a surreal underwater sound. The sound that least sounds like water - a clicking/chirping type sound over the red/black image was recorded under a small stream, but was slowed down to the point that it no longer sounded like running water.
Inspirations for this film came from many experimental filmmakers, especially Len Lye and Stan Brakhage.

After the film was made I was annoyed when I found this trailer: I think they're spying on me.