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Monday 16 May 2011

Long time no write...

I have finished my installation, almost. I exhibited it in the TV studio at university and it seemed to be a success. it was really helpful getting the participants to answer a few questions on camera - partly for my documentation video as part of the hand in, but it also helped me understand what I should change, what went well etc. I was very happy with the outcome, with just a couple of things I have to change, but it was an overall enjoyable experience.

The installation will be back up again during the Pixel-8 film festival in the poly, where it will be exhibited for all three days, which is good to hear. It will also possibly be part of the final year 'summer show'. I don't know much about this though - I don't think it's film related.

Slovakia was absolutely amazing. what a beautiful place. I really enjoyed my time there with my good friend Katarina. we climbed the mountains for three days, sharing a wood cabin with a large group of partying Slovaks, but they were friendly enough- very welcoming! The mountains were like something out of a film, but even better! they were snow covered and beautiful and just unbelievable, and we saw a bear print on the last day!! I'm definitely going there again some day soon.